
Substance Use/Abuse Screeing Tools

Substance Use/Abuse Screening Tools

Attached is a list of "Substance Use and Abuse Screening Tools" forms, to view the forms click on the individual forms listed below this tab.

Substance Use/Abuse Screening Tools Form entitled Brief health screen

Attached is the "Brief Screen" form that is given to adults age 18 and older. Positive responses warrant further screening.

Substance Use/Abuse Screening Tools Form entitled Alcohol screening questionnaire (AUDIT)

This is given to adults ages 18 and older when positive on the alcohol question.

Substance Use/Abuse Screening Tools Form entitled Drug Screening Questionnaire (DAST)

This is given to adults ages 18 and older when positive on the drug question on the Brief screen.

Substance Use/Abuse Screening Tools Form entitled S2B1 Teen health screen

Given to adolescent patients ages 12-17 at least once a year. This a full screen that measures frequency of tobacco, alcohol and drug use to indicate a possible substance use disorder. Also includes supplemental CRAFT questions.

Substance Use/Abuse Screening Tools Form entitled ASSIST screening tool

ASSIST screening tool is administered to adult patients age 18 and older through an interview with a health professional.