International HPV Awareness Day


On March 4 we recognize International HPV Awareness Day, this is a great time for healthcare providers to discuss the HPV vaccine with parents and patients and make necessary changes in your practice to improve HPV vaccination rates.

Vaccination against HPV

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that the HPV vaccine be given to girls and boys between ages 11 and 12. It can also be given as early as 9 years old.

In the following video Dr. Rebekah Fenton discusses the benefits of immunizing earlier:

  • The vaccine is more effective if given sooner. This is partly because preteens produce more antibodies after HPV vaccination than older adolescents do. The vaccine just works better with their immune system.
  • Giving the vaccine earlier also means they can be protected well before they are exposed to the virus.
CDC Resources

The CDC website has resources and materials on how to help your practice communicate effectively with parents about the importance of HPV vaccination.

CPP Grant Program

Healthcare providers play an essential role in communicating the importance of routine immunization, assessing vaccination status at every visit and promptly scheduling appointments for catch-up vaccinations.

If you are working on improving HPV rates, CPP’s Second Dose Program is an opportunity for your practice to examine your practice’s 2nd dose immunization rates for vaccines that require more than one dose to complete the series, access resources to help implement a strategy in your office to raise those rates and share successful strategies with other CPP members.

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